A page is the top level component of a website. It contains the navbar, the main content, and the footer.
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | Optional String | The SEO title of the page | |
description | Optional String | The SEO description of the page | |
image | Optional String | The SEO image of the page | |
additional_head | Optional String | Additional HTML to be added to the head of the page | |
navbar | Navbar | Navbar(title='PyVibe App') | Navbar for the page |
footer | Footer | Footer(title='Made with PyVibe', logo='', link='') | Footer for the page |
sidebar | Sidebar | None | Sidebar for the page |
components | Components | The components to be rendered on the page. You don't normally need to specify this since you can use page.add_ methods |
Basic HTML
HTML (.add_html
Renders raw HTML. This is meant to be an escape hatch for when you need to render something that isn't supported by PyVibe.
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | Raw HTML code to be rendered |
card.add_html(value = '<b>heres some html</b>')
Text (.add_text
Renders a paragraph of text
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | Text to be rendered |
card.add_text(value = 'Heres some text')
Heres some text
Link (.add_link
Renders a link
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
text | String | Text to be rendered | |
url | String | URL to link to | |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the link |
card.add_link(text = 'Heres a link', url = '')
Unstyled Link (.add_plainlink
Renders a link without any styling
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
text | String | Text to be rendered | |
url | String | URL to link to | |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the link |
card.add_plainlink(text = 'Heres a link', url = '')
List (.add_list
Renders a list of items
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
show_dots | Optional Boolean | True | Whether or not to show dots |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the list | |
components | Components | Items to be rendered |
List Item (.add_listitem
Renders an item in a list
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | Text to be rendered | |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the list item | |
svg | Optional String | SVG to render inside the list | |
is_checked | Optional Boolean | None | Whether or not the item is checked |
list.add_listitem(value = 'Item 1')
Image (.add_image
Renders an image
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
url | String | URL of the image | |
alt | String | 'Image' | Alt text for the image |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the image |
card.add_image(url = '', alt = 'PyVibe logo', classes = 'w-12')
Header (.add_header
Renders a header
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
text | String | Text to be rendered | |
size | Optional Integer | 5 | Size of the header. Choose 1-9 |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the header |
card.add_header(text = 'Heres a regular header')
Heres a regular header
card.add_header(text = 'Heres a small header', size = 1)
Heres a small header
card.add_header(text = 'Heres a big header', size = 8)
Heres a big header
Code (.add_code
Renders a block of code
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | Code to be rendered | |
header | Optional String | Header to be rendered above the code block | |
prefix | Optional String | >>> | Prefix to be rendered before the code block |
card.add_code(value = 'Heres some code')
Heres some code
card.add_code(value = 'Heres some code with a header', header = 'With Header')
With Header
Heres some code with a header
Divider (.add_divider
Renders a divider
Use With
No Inputs
Card (.add_card
Renders a card
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
center_content | Optional Boolean | False | Whether the card contents should be centered |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the card | |
components | Components | Components to be rendered inside the card |
Container (.add_container
Renders a container to help with layout
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
grid_columns | Optional Integer | None | Number of columns (if any) to use. 1-12 |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the container | |
components | Components | Components to be rendered inside the container |
Alert (.add_alert
Renders an alert
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
text | String | Text to be rendered | |
badge | Optional String | Text to be rendered inside the badge | |
color | Optional String | indigo | Color of the. Choose 'indigo', 'orange', or 'red' |
card.add_alert(text = 'Heres a success alert')
card.add_alert(text = 'Heres a warning alert', badge = 'Warning', color = 'orange')
card.add_alert(text = 'Heres an error alert', badge = 'Delete?', color = 'red')
Section (.add_section
Creates an invisible element that can be used to link to in the sidebar
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
id | String | ID for the section. This is what will appear in the link as /page#id | |
name | String | Name of the section. This is what will appear in the navigation bar | |
level | Optional Integer | 1 | Level of the section. This is the indentation that will appear in the navigation bar |
page.add_section(id = 'section1', name = 'Sample Section 1')
page.add_section(id = 'section2', name = 'Sample Section 2', level = 2)
Form (.add_form
Renders a form
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
action | Optional String | ? | Action for the form. This is the page that the form will submit to. Defaults to the current page |
method | Optional String | GET | Method for the form (i.e. GET, POST) |
components | Components | List of Component of the form |
Form Text (.add_formtext
Renders a form
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | String | Label for the form text | |
name | String | Name for the form text | |
placeholder | Optional String | Placeholder | |
value | Optional String | Value if you want to pre-populate |
card.add_formtext(label = 'Name', name = 'name', placeholder = 'John Doe')
card.add_formtext(label = 'Email', name = 'email', placeholder = '')
Form Email (.add_formemail
Renders a form email
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | Optional String | Your E-mail | Label for the form email |
name | Optional String | Name for the form email | |
placeholder | Optional String | | Placeholder |
card.add_formemail(label = 'Email', name = 'email', placeholder = '')
Form Password (.add_formpassword
Renders a form password
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | Optional String | Password | Label for the form password |
name | Optional String | password | Name for the form password |
placeholder | Optional String | password | Placeholder |
card.add_formpassword(label = 'Password', name = 'password', placeholder = '********')
Form Select (.add_formselect
Renders a form select
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | String | Label for the form select | |
name | String | Name for the form select | |
options | Untyped | Options for the form select | |
value | Optional String | Selected value |
card.add_formselect(label = 'Select', name = 'select', options = [{'value': 'US', 'label': 'United States'}, {'value': 'CA', 'label': 'Canada'}])
Form Hidden Field (.add_formhidden
Renders a hidden field on a form. This is useful for carrying state between pages without having to store data in the database.
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | String | Name for the form hidden | |
value | String | Value for the form hidden |
form.add_formhidden(name = 'hidden', value = 'hidden')
Select Option (.add_selectoption
Renders a select option
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | String | Label for the select option | |
value | String | Value for the select option | |
selected | Optional String | Use 'selected' if this is selected |
formselect.add_selectoption(label = 'United States', value = 'US')
Text Area (.add_formtextarea
Renders a text area
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | Optional String | Your Message | Label for the text area |
name | Optional String | message | Name for the text area |
placeholder | Optional String | Leave a comment... | Placeholder |
value | Optional String | Value if you want to pre-populate |
card.add_formtextarea(label = 'Message', name = 'message', placeholder = 'Your message')
Form Submit (.add_formsubmit
Renders a form submit button
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | Optional String | Submit | Label for the form submit button |
card.add_formsubmit(label = 'Submit')
card.add_formsubmit(label = 'Save')
Raw HTML Table (.add_rawtable
Renders a table manually by constructing the table header, body, content, etc.. This is useful if you want to customize the table more than what the other table functions allow. Most of the time you'll use the other table functions instead of this one.
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | Components to render in the table |
Table Head (.add_tablehead
Renders a table head
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | Components to render in the table head |
Table Row (.add_tablerow
Renders a table row
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | Components to render in the table row |
Table Column (.add_tablecol
Renders a table column
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | Components to render in the table column |
Table Body (.add_tablebody
Renders a table body
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | Components to render in the table body |
Table Cell (.add_tablecell
Renders a table cell
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | String to render in the table cell |
Table Cell Header (.add_tablecellheader
Renders a table cell header
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | String to render in the table cell header |
Pandas Table (.add_pandastable
Renders a pandas table
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
dataframe | Untyped | Dataframe to render | |
hide_fields | List | List of fields to hide | |
action_buttons | Components | Row actions to render |
card.add_pandastable(dataframe = df)
calories | duration | large_numbers |
420 | 50 | 9,000 |
380 | 40 | 9.0 million |
390 | 45 | 9.0 billion |
Data Grid (.add_datagrid
Renders a data grid
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
dataframe | Untyped | Dataframe to render | |
action_buttons | Components | Row actions to render |
Github Embed (.add_emgithub
Renders a block of code from a github URL
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
url | String | URL of the GitHub file to be rendered |
Advanced Layout
Navbar (navbar = Navbar(...)
Renders a navbar
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String | Title of the navbar | |
logo | Optional String | | URL for the logo of the navbar |
components | Components | List of links for the navbar |
Navbar Link (.add_navbarlink
Renders a link in the navbar
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
text | String | Text to be rendered | |
url | String | URL to link to | |
classes | Optional String | Classes to be applied to the link |
Footer (footer = Footer(...)
Renders a footer
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | Optional String | Title of the footer | |
subtitle | Optional String | Subtitle of the footer | |
logo | Optional String | URL for the logo of the footer | |
link | Optional String | URL for the link of the footer | |
components | Components | List of category components for the footer |
Footer Category (.add_footercategory
Renders a category in the footer
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String | Title of the category | |
components | Components | List of Footer Link in the category |
Footer Link (.add_footerlink
Renders a link in the footer
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String | Title of the link | |
url | String | URL of the link |
Sidebar (sidebar = Sidebar(...)
Renders a sidebar
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
components | Components | List of Component of the sidebar |
Sidebar Category (.add_sidebarcategory
Renders a category in the sidebar
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String | Title of the category | |
components | Components | List of Sidebar Link in the category |
Sidebar Link (.add_sidebarlink
Renders a link in the sidebar
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String | Title of the link | |
url | String | URL of the link |
Row Action (rowaction = Row Action(...)
Renders a row action
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
label | String | Label for the button. Use {col_name} to use a column value. If you use just the column value, the button will replace that column. If you use a static string, a column will be added for the button. | |
url | String | URL to navigate to when the button is clicked. Use {col_name} to include the column value in the link | |
classes | Optional String | Classes to add to the button | |
open_in_new_window | Optional Boolean | True | Open the link in a new window |
Code Editor (.add_codeeditor
Renders a code editor
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
value | String | Code to be rendered | |
language | Optional String | python | Language mode for syntax highlighting |
Script Status (.add_scriptstatus
Shows the status of a script execution and redirects to a new page when complete
Use With
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
job_id | String | Job id to check the status of | |
redirect_url | String | URL to redirect to when the script is complete |